Now this is a sweet looking backpack… this would make a great back-to-school gift wouldn’t it?
Continue reading …Meh.. whatever… yep it’s Netgear and Sprint together for some fast devices…
Continue reading …Yeah another company that puts out press releases but doesn’t include a picture of the actual product, that just makes no sense to me at all. So go ahead and read all about it and imagine what it looks like…
Continue reading …Meh, never heard of it, but then again I’m not into word games..
Continue reading …I’ve never played this one, but now I may have to check it out as it does seem rather popular…
Continue reading …Looks like C Spire is getting the Samsung Galaxy S4! I need to get one of these…
Continue reading …The DefenderPad will supposedly protect you from things like heat and radiation from your laptop… meh whatever I don’t think I’ve ever used my laptop on my lap..
Continue reading …Meh.. I don’t get all these activity tracker things, it seems there’s always a new one coming out, so which to get?
Continue reading …Looking for a decent Bluetooth speaker? Then check out this one from Killer Concepts that has a ton of great features…
Continue reading …I figured I’d toss some Android news in with all the iOS stuff I’ve just posted.. Buzz Launcher has officially launched and to celebrate they’re running a contest with $10,000 in prizes!
Continue reading …