Yes I want one of these and it’s surprisingly low priced at around $350.. Today, Nikon Inc. announced the innovative COOLPIX S800c, Nikon’s first Wi-Fi compact digital camera to incorporate Nikon’s powerful camera imaging technologies and the boundless capabilities of an Android Operating System (OS). Designed for the always connected individual, the S800c […]
August 22, 2012Read More

Crossword puzzles are fun, I used to do them in the paper all of the time but it seems everything is online and it’s from crossword puzzles to online bingo games. I’m on Facebook but I’ve never played any of the games on there, I’m just not into it, but if you are you […]
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Free is good! SEGA of America, Inc., SEGA Europe Ltd. and PapayaMobile today announced Fallen Realms™, a new role playing game for the Android platform enhanced with Papaya’s social features. Debuting on the Papaya Network, the leading social gaming network on Android with over 38 million users, Fallen Realms is the first SEGA-published […]
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I never thought the day would come that I would see God, Flatulence and Unicorns in the same sentence… but there it is… Frima Studio, Canada’s leading independent game developer, announced today in conjunction with Bolt Creative, a San Francisco-based developer of original mobile applications and games that the harassed pygmies of Pocket […]
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