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Karnotech Selfie Stick Review @ Technogog

Karnotech Selfie Stick Review @ Technogog

Link: http://technogog.com/review/review-of-karnotech-selfie-stick/ Quote: "So selfies are the in thing now, I guess I’m too old to understand it, but I’ve gotten numerous requests to review selfie sticks and I’ve stayed away from them, but I’ve given in. I figured why not as they’re just so popular so they should be reviewed. Today for review I’ve […]

Mobility Digest Review: Think Geek Joystick-It Arcade Stick for iPhone

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Mobility Digest Review: Think Geek Joystick-It Arcade Stick for iPhone

Quote: I’ve been reviewing products for many years now and I’ve learned in that time that most products don’t meet the hype surrounding them. They seem so great, awesome, cool, whatever other adjective you could come up with, in the ads, but once you get them they’re just not all that. Take the product I […]

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