I need to get some more posting done on this site, just been so busy with stuff… and I still have more to do..
Continue reading …The hard drive market has become a lot less sexy in the past few years thanks to SSDs. What we used to consider "fast" for a hard drive is relatively slow compared to even the cheapest of today’s solid state drives. But there are two areas where hard drives still rule the roost, and […]
Continue reading …How much data do you have and how much storage space do you need? Are you a data hoarder? In addition and more importantly, are you protected against data loss in case of hardware failure? Network storage is no longer just about massive disk pools sitting on the network waiting to gobble up the […]
Continue reading …Yeah whatever, time for the news, I need writers for this site.. anybody? No pay though, but maybe in the future…
Continue reading …Time for the news…
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