Another PR from Lian Li and this one is the PC-09 which is aluminum and glass…
Link: Quote: "There’s an old saying: ‘You get what you pay for’ that usually means that if something is cheap or inexpensive it isn’t that good, but sometimes you can be surprised. Today for review I’ve got a set of earbuds or headphones from a company called FSL or Future Sound Labs that cost […]
Continue reading …An aluminum mousepad, you don’t see many of those anymore…
Continue reading …Wow.. this case makes me wish I had a mini-ITX system to go in it…
Continue reading …Big, but nice looking case for sure..
Continue reading …I like the looks of these for sure..
Continue reading …Love Lian Li stuff.. just very well made.
Continue reading …Link: Quote: "Up for review today I have the ID America new Spark in-ear headphones and these feature an all aluminum construction with a great design making them aesthetically pleasing. The headphones have 8mm dynamic drivers in them that offer very good bass and decent highs for a nice rounded sound from them. […]
Continue reading …Shockproof and waterproof and aluminum.. if I had an iPhone 5 I think I’d have to get this case…
Continue reading …Link: Quote: "I don’t remember the last time I reviewed headphones here on Mobility Digest, looking back it’s been since April, so a few months anyway, just seems like longer. Id America sent over the Metropolitan Aluminum In-Ear headphones for my review, and these are the ‘new’ ones as they are improved over the […]
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