Ummm yeah… Groupon too…
Yeah.. woo-hoo..
Continue reading …Yeah got a lot of these coming in… everyone is so excited about Apple Pay.. Google did long ago and so did Paypal, why not the excitement then?
Continue reading …I hate exclusivity…
Continue reading …Ok.. nothing to say here..
Continue reading …I need to get a job working for Apples creative name creation division seriously.. Pay? Really? First we had Apple Watch, now we have Apple Pay. I wonder how much time was really spent on those names..
Continue reading …Yes Apple announced a watch and called it Watch.. Seriously, the folks are marketing couldn’t come up with something better?
Continue reading …Ok look… it’s a new iPhone with a bigger screen and the same features we’ve had on Android for who knows how long but since Apple did it it’s all innovative and new.. whatever..
Continue reading …Apple stock has fallen nearly 8% just overnight.. the reason is lack of innovation plain and simple. All they do is keep releasing incremental upgrades and nothing really new. So the iPhone 6 will have a bigger screen? So what? That just means Apple is finally catching up to other phone manufacturers like Samsung have […]
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