I want one of these… the big one especially!
Introducing the series of X2 mouse pads, which are high-quality and professional surfaces designed for gamers. The glossy finish cloth texture is not just comfortable for touch, but also a great improvement of the mouse response and positioning. The foam rubber bottom layer ensures anti-slip and no deformation. It helps to release pressure and improve the comfort of the palm, so to satisfy the requirements of long-hours computer users and gamers alike. The XPADs are available in two sizes, one standard size: 40x30cm and one XXXL size: 120cmx60cm
Main Features:
• Soft Gaming Mouse pad with glossy finish cloth surface and printed design
• High performance: Glossy finish cloth surface to support "Speed" for both Optical & Laser mice
• Advanced rubber base: special design to keep the mat from sliding in any kind of surface
• Big dimensions provide sufficient gliding area critical mouse movements
The X2 XPADs are compatible with both optical sensor mice as well as laser sensor mice. It satisfies the requirements of gamers and long-hours computer users.
Part# X2-MP02 – XPAD – USD 15.95 / EURO 11.95 (Ex VAT if applicable)
Part# X2-MP03 – XPAD PRO XXXL USD 44.95 / EURO 32.95 (Ex VAT if applicable)
The XPAD, part number X2-MP02 is now available from X2 Shenzhen and X2 Europe.
The XPAD PRO XXXL, part number X2-MP03 will roll out at the end of October.
About X2:
X2 is originated by a team of PC enthusiasts based in The Netherlands, the design heart of Europe. X2 redefines the true meaning of performance PC hardware. With our exceptional style coupled with genuine product quality X2 is irrefutably above and beyond the rest.
Product url:
Part# X2-MP02 – XPAD – http://x2products.com/peripherals/X2-MP02
Part# X2-MP03 – XPAD PRO XXXL http://x2products.com/peripherals/X2-MP03