Top Tablets For Christmas

Filed under: Articles,Mobility |

Christmas is traditionally the time when people who don’t really know what you want, buy you stuff based on the stuff they’d like themselves. That’s obviously an issue for something as complicated as computers.

Android fans will no doubt be receiving wholly inappropriate iOS devices this year, and Apple fanatics will be trying to force a smile as they unwrap a Windows 8 machine. If you’re buying a tablet for a loved one (or even a tolerated one) this Christmas, do try to get the operating system right. Anyway, here’s a round-up of some of the best to choose from.


iPad Mini

iOS, around $399 for 16GB model with Retina Display.

This is a beautiful little machine, small enough to hold in one hand and priced just low enough to persuade some people to enter iOS World. Cheaper non-Retina versions are available, but this screen is amazing.




Sony Xperia Tablet Z

Android, around $450 for 16GB 10.1” model.

Another great screen and an attractive device even switched off. It feels very well-built as it should for the price. Sony claim it’s water-resistant – we would urge caution in that area! Computing power is up with the best.




Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0

Android, around $330 for 16GB model.

One for fans of the Korean tech giant, as it operates much like Samsung’s massively popular smartphones. The 8 inch screen size is a compromise – try to handle one before you decide. It comes with a handy stylus and some interesting software to exploit it with.




iPad Air

iOS, around $499 for 16GB Wi-Fi only model.

Thin, light and lovely. You could load it up with apps and games, maybe register at or put a Netflix account on it, to create the perfect gift. Please Santa – I really have tried to be good this year.





Google Nexus 7

Android, around $230 for 16GB model.

The Nexus 7 boasts a top quality, pin-sharp screen. Updated design makes it comfortable for extended periods, and the sound quality is excellent. It runs Android smoothly and responsively, and computing power is superb. Great value.




Nokia Lumia 2520

Windows RT, $399 with contract from Amazon.

This 10.1” tablet is Nokia’s first, and comes with 4G connectivity – not something many of our devices can boast. Battery life is excellent and it’s a great machine for gamers. Screen resolution is good (if not as good as, say, the equivalent Nexus or the iPad Air).




(Images courtesy of,,,,,