A new eBook titled “Life with Siri” was published today by Jodi Dery to help iPhone 4S users get the most out of Siri. Siri is the iPhone 4S “personal assistant” that has amazed people with its remarkable voice-recognition capabilities.
This new 128-page eBook includes 50 screenshots of the funniest Siri responses and 50 screenshots of the best Siri tips. It also includes a guide to Siri punctuation commands and a list of all the things Siri can do.
Siri understands natural, informal speech like no non-human device has ever done before. Users have marveled over Siri’s ability to perceive what is said, even when the speaker’s grammar leaves something to be desired.
Author Jodi Dery explained the eBook’s unusual format by stating, “We feel that presenting Siri’s responses in this illustrative manner, with lots screenshots rather than lots of text, will help people remember the best questions to ask Siri and the best way to get useful results.”
The “Life with Siri” eBook is now available as a Kindle Edition on for $1.99. It will soon also be available from Barnes & Noble ( for other tablets, at the same price. A print edition is scheduled to be published in early January, priced at $4.99.
For more information, see or the Amazon page for the eBook.