Not bad, #1..
FLASHLIGHT, the wildly successful iPhone® app from developer i4software®, is currently the world’s most popular iOS utility. Selling over 750,000 copies, it reached a milestone of #1 in the App Store Utilities Category and #5 on Apple’s Overall Top-Paid Apps list.
“FLASHLIGHT is out-selling TETRIS®, Angry Birds Seasons, Bejeweled 2, Tiny Wings and Madden NFL 12,” says Michael Zaletel, i4software CEO. “We are thrilled that one of our 12 mobile apps currently in the App Store has landed among the top 5 best-selling apps of all time.” With the release of Apple’s iPhone 4S, FLASHLIGHT was propelled from #30 last Friday for all iOS Paid Apps to #5 by Sunday evening.
“We have over 10,000 customer reviews and ratings and I’ve personally read them all,” says Zaletel, who takes maintaining FLASHLIGHT’S 5-star rating very seriously by personally answering all support e-mails. “My favorite reviews are: Tripped while walking to bed in the dark; bought this app while lying on the floor and I even helped a police officer with this light after her flashlight went out.”
While the fun reviews are great, there’s definitely a serious side to FLASHLIGHT. First released in 2010, FLASHLIGHT sales have grown steadily with substantial spikes in sales during Hurricane Irene and the recent San Diego blackout. Reviews commending FLASHLIGHT’S multiple uses, like finding keys in a pitch-dark parking lot, changing a tire at night and enduring a power outage, are numerous. Praises have also come from police officers, pilots, EMTs, nurses, military personnel and other users who recount how instantly turning the iPhone into a flashlight prevented injuries and saved lives.
FLASHLIGHT is ad-free and opens faster than any other app, illuminating instantly when the app is launched. Utilizing the LED camera flash, instead of just using the iPhone’s LCD screen, FLASHLIGHT is able to provide a constant light source that is brighter than most common D battery flashlights. Available for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, FLASHLIGHT is only 99 cents.
i4software is leveraging its success by creating a broader portfolio of apps. “We are reinvesting in the incredible marketplace Apple® has created and using the proceeds from our #1 selling FLASHLIGHT app to cultivate a lasting brand,” says Zaletel. “We continue to hire great talent and have over 35 new apps in the development pipeline including an ambitious pirate-themed game and a revolutionary entertainment app.” Visithttp://www.i4software.comoften for previews of upcoming releases and more information about FLASHLIGHT, as well as other great apps, for the iPhone, iPod touch® and iPad®.FLASHLIGHT App Store Download Link: