Free App: Please Stay Calm for iOS

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Yep, free game for you..


After infecting the streets of Canadian cities, Massive Damage Inc, unleashes their free location-based zombie apocalypse game, Please Stay Calm™, upon their unsuspecting neighbours in the US.

Please Stay Calm™’s Canadian launch in early September caught the imagination of the public and the press with its unique blend of location and social gameplay. GigaOm stated “[Please Stay Calm] is worth a look no matter where you happen to live, because it uniquely combines location and personalization with tried and tested models of iPhone gaming success.” while The National Post added “it blends online and offline worlds for an experience that feels like the love child of Foursquare and Night of the Living Dead”.

A first-of-its-kind, Please Stay Calm™ is a massively multiplayer mobile game where players in local neighborhoods, in real locations, help each other fight off the undead hordes, scavenge for supplies and compete or work together to rebuild their cities and towns.

“We think we’ve cracked the key to making location-based gaming fun and accessible for everyone. Previous location-based games were far too restrictive and required players to move around” said Ken Seto, CEO of Massive Damage. “Please Stay Calm™ is designed so that players can immerse themselves in an alternate world where zombies stalk their streets and they can do so from the comfort of their couch or cubicle.”

Please Stay Calm™ can be downloaded for free and is available now on both the Canadian and US iTunes App Stores.

Please Stay Calm™ website:

iTunes link: