Starting Today GameStop is Accepting Trades of Your iDevices

Filed under: Apple Related,Industry News,Mobile Related,Tech PR |


I wonder if this is even worth it…..


Got an iPod, iPhone or iPad collecting dust? Don’t trash it or let it sit and lose value – trade it for credit toward video games, gaming systems, downloadable content (DLC) and more at GameStop (NYSE: GME), the world’s largest multichannel retailer of video games. Beginning today, customers can take advantage of competitive trade values and earn credit by trading in their iPod, iPhone or iPad at GameStop stores nationwide.

“This is especially significant with the great title line-up slated for this fall.”

Many iPod, iPhone and iPad trade values are significantly higher than typical game trade-ins, allowing customers to build trade credit more quickly. “By trading in iOS devices, GameStop customers have yet another source of funds to put toward the purchase of new and pre-owned games, DLC, digital PC games and more,” stated GameStop president Tony Bartel. “This is especially significant with the great title line-up slated for this fall.”

Trades of the iPod, iPhone or iPad must be in working condition and free from cosmetic defects. For complete details, including devices accepted, visit or a local GameStop store.