Tekken Blood Vengeance Screenshots and Art

Filed under: Gaming,Gaming PR |

ANNA_OVA ASA_OVA JIN_OVA KAZ_OVA NIB_OVA SIN_OVA XAO_OVA PND_OVA tkbv_e3_01 tkbv_e3_02 tkbv_e3_03 tkbv_e3_04 tkbv_e3_11 tkbv_e3_16 tkbv_e3_17 tkbv_e3_18 tkbv_e3_19 tkbv_e3_20 tkbv_e3_21 tkbv_e3_22 ova_tekken_logo_fix_20110502

Well by the logo we can see it’s going to be a 3D game!  It looks damn good though by the looks of these screenshots..