Link: Quote: "I get all kinds of mobile accessories for review and most of them are just more of the same, but every once in a while I run across on that stands out from the crowd like what I have today for review does. The Arespark AS100 Bluetooth speaker is wireless speaker yes, […]
Meh… I guess this could be cool…
Continue reading …Yep, it looks like a Kinect, but only better..
Continue reading …Good luck trying to find it on their website… I saw it earlier this morning but then I went back to check some specs and it disappeared …
Continue reading …Link: Quote: "Up for review today I’ve got an MP3 player from a company called HandGiftBox and it has a price of about $8. The player is small and portable and uses a microSD card for storage with no internal storage at all. So what do you get for $8? Is it even worth […]
Continue reading …Waterproof is nice for sure…. swim with music, never though of that myself.. I haven’t been swimming for a while..
Continue reading …Vizio.. good stuff.. nothing to say about it… just read the PR…
Continue reading …A new review by me over on Mobility Digest.. Link:
Continue reading …