Description: Using Gigabyte’s massively successful formula of a great cooler, sweet custom PCB, and high quality components, how does this overclocked GTX 970 step up? * Link:
A new review by me over on TestFreaks.. Link: Quote: “If you’ve been involved with computers for a while you’d know that all ram is not created equal. If you consider yourself an enthusiast you owe it to yourself to use good quality ram from a reputable company. Kingston is one such company […]
Continue reading …Link: Quote: “I’m back with another review for you today of an Android Tablet from called the Kocaso M760B which is very low priced. As of right now it’s priced at under $100, and I know most people will not expect a quality tablet for that little of a price. There was a time […]
Continue reading …Android tablets have become kind of joke really there are many cheap ones out there and they’re giving the decent ones a bad name. I feel if you’re going to devote time and resources to something, then your should build a quality product, get the correct licensing etc and make it something that people will […]
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