Link: Quote: “Decent gaming on a budget, is it possible? Maybe, maybe not, but companies are trying to make it a reality for us. Not everyone can afford several hundred dollars to pay for the latest and greatest video card on the market and that would be the new 7000 series from AMD that […]
Quote: “Nvidia’s GeForce GTX 560 Ti has been out for a few months now and just like pretty much every other card companies release a reference design and then they come out with an overclocked edition. Today we will be taking a look at Zotac’s overclocked edition of the GeForce GTX 560 Ti, which they […]
Continue reading …QUOTE: “I’m not sure what word I would use to describe what came to mind when I heard that Sapphire was going to be re-releasing the HD 5850 and HD 5830 to the market. First I wondered, why? – But the answer to that would be nothing more than excess cores that need to go. […]
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